Saturday, March 12, 2011


OH My Gosh Wow!  Where have I been?  It's been so long since I last blogged that I had a difficult time even remembering my Blogspot password.  I think I'll just say that my blog has been in winter hibernation.  Today however we had the first glimpse of spring in NYC with temperatures tipping a little over 50 degrees and a warm sun on top of that and I am excited!  I even went for a run in Central Park and it was great!  I very well intend on adding C.P. runs to my routine now that the lonnnnnnnnng winter season in New York might be wrapping up.  Quick story: a few weeks ago I was feeling advantageous and saw that the temperatures were going to be above freezing so I decided I'd like to go for a run in Central Park but about 5 minutes into my run it started snowing...that run in the park quickly turned into a run home.  

So let me tell you what I have been up to during my winter hibernation (and since my last post):

1) I'm sure you have all figured out what I was for Halloween via Facebook but in case anyone is still wondering...I was a geisha.  See below picture:

2)  I got a new job!  I'm on the account team for an advertising agency in the city and its been a great experience so far and I'm really enjoying it!

3) I had wine and conversed with Penn Badgley for about 3 hours.  It was my favorite NYC night so far and Kristen, Kelley, and I are still hoping we run into him again and can pick up where we left off that wonderful Saturday night in November :)

4)  I went home for Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Years and loved seeing my family and friends again!  I miss them all a lot!

5) I celebrated my first birthday without my twin.  Definitely a change and a little more difficult than I expected.  I was already a little debbie downer about the whole day and had a panicky feeling about getting old but I did celebrate the next day with friends and dinner at a true SATC spot Il Cantinori

Now that spring is on the horizon and I already have lots of exciting things planned including a visit from my parents last weekend, Kelley's this weekend, little baby bro Jacob on Tuesday, several college friends on Wednesday, a trip to Washington D.C. for the cherry blossom festival, and more visitors in April, I hope to have updates a little more regularly!  

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